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Wondering how you will pay for college? We can help you find a way. At Lincoln University, we understand that education is an investment and students have always been our greatest investment. Lincoln is committed to helping a greater number of academically qualified students graduate than ever through our scholarship offerings. Scholarships are “non-repayable” aid and Lincoln offers several different types of scholarships to help defray the cost of attendance for freshmen, transfer, and international new students.
AMOUNT: $5,000 - $14,000
Freshmen Merit Scholarships are awarded exclusively to new incoming first-time freshmen on a competitive basis. Scholarships are awarded based on merit, considering outstanding academic achievement as well as co-curricular involvement demonstrated in the admissions application.
This scholarship includes the following types of awards: Achieve the Dream Award, Liberated Lion’s Leadership Award, Dean’s Award and Provost's Award.
To qualify for the freshmen merit scholarships, applicants must meet the following criteria:
This scholarship award can be renewed for up to three additional years (totaling four years) if the scholarship recipient meets the renewable criteria. All criteria are listed on the scholarship award notice.
Note: This scholarship award cannot be combined with the Achieve the Dream, President’s Award, Need-Based Award, or Alumni discount.
AMOUNT: Will cover Direct Cost including Tuition, Fees, and Room and Board
The President’s Scholarship is awarded exclusively to new incoming first-time freshmen on a competitive basis. Scholarships are awarded based on merit, considering outstanding academic achievement, as well as co-curricular involvement demonstrated in the scholarship application. Students that qualify MUST submit an application for consideration.
To qualify for the President’s Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
This scholarship award can be renewed for up to three additional years (totaling four years) if the scholarship recipient meets the renewable criteria. All criteria are listed on the scholarship award notice.
Note: This scholarship award cannot be combined with the Freshman Merit Scholarships, Need-Based Award, or Alumni discount.
AMOUNT: Varies based on financial need
Need-Based Scholarships are awarded to freshmen and transfer students based on a combination of demonstration of financial need, and in some cases, non-academic requirements. The Need-Based Scholarship is used to help close the gap between the cost of college and what a family can afford. All eligible students are awarded the need-based award as funds are available. Students that qualify DO NOT have to submit an application for consideration.
The Need-Based Award is an annual award varying in value according to the student's financial need. In order to be considered for this award, students must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Students are not required to submit an application for consideration of the need-based scholarship. This scholarship award can be renewed for up to 3 years if the award recipient meets the renewable criterion. All renewable criteria are outlined in the scholarship award notice.
Note: This scholarship award cannot be combined with other institutional merit scholarships, liberated lion leadership award or transfer scholarship.
AMOUNT: $2,000 - $3,000
The Lion Transfer Scholarship is awarded to students transferring to Lincoln University from another college on a competitive basis. Academically qualified students transferring from a community college, students that have earned an Associate’s degree, or students seeking a new institutional home should apply for our Lion transfer scholarship to assist with the financial cost of the transition.
The Lion Transfer Scholarship is an annual award with a value ranging from $2,000 - $3,000. In order to be considered for this scholarship, applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:
This scholarship award can be renewed for up to 6 additional semesters if the scholarship recipient meets the renewable criterion. All renewable criteria are outlined in the scholarship award notice.
Note: This scholarship award cannot be combined with other institutional merit scholarships or need-based awards.
AMOUNT: Tuition & General Fees
Lincoln University has a long history of enrolling international students, from countries around the world. The International Student Merit Scholarship supports students enrolled on an F-1 visa on a competitive basis. Scholarships are awarded based on merit, considering outstanding academic achievement and standardized test scores (ACT or SAT) as well as co-curricular involvement demonstrated in the scholarship application.
To qualify for the international student merit scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
This scholarship award can be renewed for up to 3 additional years (totaling 4 years) if the scholarship recipient meets the renewable criterion. All criteria are listed on the scholarship award notice.
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Note: This scholarship award cannot be combined with the Liberated Lion Leadership Award, Need-Based Award or Alumni discount.